Putin to Restrict Uranium Exports😱

US Nuclear Plants Can Double Power🎉

This is Nuclear Update. We decode the nuclear industry's language – making complex concepts as clear as enriched uranium.

This is what we got for you this week:

  • Putin to Restrict Uranium Exports😱

  • US Nuclear Plants Can Double Power🎉

  • India to Join Lunar Nuclear Plant Project🌙

  • Sweden to Fast-Track Nuclear with $97M Boost🏎️

Putin to Restrict Uranium Exports😱

Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed restrictions on uranium exports in response to Western sanctions. Russia controls around 44% of global uranium enrichment capacity, making it a key supplier for many countries, including the U.S., China, and several European nations.

Any reduction in Russian uranium exports could disrupt nuclear energy sectors in the West, which rely on long-term supply contracts with Russia. While the U.S. has banned new imports of enriched uranium from Russia, existing contracts remain in place, making an immediate shift challenging.

Analysts warn that replacing Russian uranium in the short term would be difficult, as Western enrichment capacities are limited and will take years to expand. The potential restrictions have already caused a rise in uranium mining stocks, particularly in Canadian companies poised to fill supply gaps.

US Nuclear Plants Can Double Power🎉

A new U.S. Department of Energy report finds that up to 95 GW of new nuclear capacity could potentially be built at existing or recently retired nuclear power plant sites across the US.

The study reviewed 54 operating and 11 retired sites, focusing on factors like land availability and cooling water access. Building new reactors at these sites would expedite the process due to existing grid connections and infrastructure, reducing setup time and cost.

Early findings show 41 sites are suitable for large reactors, with potential for SMRs as well. This expansion could increase US nuclear capacity by 60% and raise uranium annual demand by 27 million lbs.

India to Join Lunar Nuclear Plant Project🌙

India has expressed interest in joining Russia’s lunar nuclear power plant project, which aims to develop a small nuclear plant capable of generating up to half a megawatt of energy for a planned lunar base.

The project, led by Rosatom, is part of a broader collaboration between Russia and China to establish a base on the Moon by 2036. The plant would be crucial for powering lunar operations and is expected to be built autonomously.

Roscosmos, the Russian Federal Space Agency, announced in May 2024 that the development of the nuclear power plant had begun.

Sweden to Fast-Track Nuclear with $97M Boost🏎️

The Swedish government plans to invest 97 million USD in 2025 to boost nuclear power development, including for pilot projects. The initiative aims to enhance energy security with new nuclear power being critical for future electricity needs.

The government also intends to streamline the permitting process and invest additional funds for nuclear expansion over the coming years. By 2035, Sweden aims to have nuclear output equivalent to two large reactors, with up to 10 new large-scale reactors coming online by 2045.

Nuclear Nuggets🧽

Oracle is building a data center that will use over 1GW of power, to be powered with 3 SMRs.

Turkey’s first nuclear plant has been delayed after Germany's Siemens Energy withheld key parts, prompting Rosatom, the builder and owner, to buy them from China.

A study has concluded that the cost of abandoning construction of Brazil’s part-built Angra 3 nuclear power unit would cost almost as much as completing it.

Meme of the week🤣

Review of the week💪

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